Out of Paradise is an on-going series of collages. The series began in 2016 and was initiated on the existential premise – what if Adam and Eve used free will and chose to willingly leave the Garden and proceeded to “go adventuring”?
The series is loosely based on the literary structure of journeys - Homer’s Odyssey, James Joyce’s Ulysses, Dante’s Inferno. Also, references are made to T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and Ezra Pound’s Cantos; religious and cultural mythologies; the Theatre of the Absurd, and philosophy. Each piece is a moment/event in which the viewer catches a glimpse of action – some pieces are enigmatic, some require the viewer to create the narrative moment, some contain an element of the uncertainty of a moment, some are the moment-before-the-moment.
Each collage has been treated so that the figures are in a landscape in which they may not quite comfortably fit in. The “landscapes” serve as theatrical backdrops much like painted backdrops in old photo studios, theatre flats, or panoramic cycles. The action takes place in this theatrical set and the viewer is catching a moment of the implied narrative.
The journey is to discover, reflect, consider, and proceed.